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The Adam's Peak | Sri Lanka

Adam's Peak is the soonest journey that is a sacrosanct spot by an individual of any religion. It is a funnel shaped mountain that has a rise of 2243 meters. It is regular profession of the individuals that Lord Buddha throughout his third visit to Sri Lanka left his foot shaped impressions on this sacrosanct mountain. This is the explanation why the spot is even regarded as the Sripada – which actually means the hallowed foot shaped impression. The Muslims think it to be the foot shaped impressions of Adam, Christians see these foot shaped impressions as the foot shaped impressions of St. Thomas and the Hindus view these foot shaped impressions as the foot shaped impressions of Lord Shiva. 

The mountain is placed in the southern achieves of the Central Highlands, in the Ratnapura region of the Sabaragamuwa Province-lying around 40 km northeast of the city of Ratnapura. The surrounding locale is substantially forested knolls, with no mountain of equivalent size nearby. The area in the mountain is a natural life hold lodging numerous species changing from elephants to panthers, and incorporating countless endemic species. 
 Adam Peak Night View
 Amazing Adam's Peak
 Adam's Peak-Sri Lanka
Awesome View Adam's Peak