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Burma: should British holiday makers visit?

Burma: should British holidaymakers visit?
Dave Cameron is to make an historic visit to Burma on Friday. Should British tourists be following in his footsteps?
David Cameron is to make an historic visit to Burma on Friday. He will become the first western leader in a generation to visit the country. His decision comes after the National League for Democracy, the party of Aung San Suu Kyi, won 43 seats in parliament in the first democratic elections for more than 50 years.

What do you think? Should tourists be following in the Prime Minister's footsteps? Is tourism to Burma ethical? Should Britons be practicing small-scale tourism to the country, rather than travelling with large tour operators? How can this be achieved?
Having previously opposed tourism to Burma, Ms Suu Kyi relaxed her position last year, and said that low-key "individual tourism" would be welcomed. Her shift in attitude was first revealed in August 2011 by Telegraph Travel. Following the announcement, visitor numbers to Burma have soared, with reports of a shortage of tour guides and hotel rooms in Rangoon (Yangon), where facilities for tourism are still rudimentary. An increasing number of package operators are adding the country to their brochures.

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