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Southern Islands

Since pre-Columbian times, the site of Quito has been inhabited by the Quitus, the Shyris and the Puruhas. The Inca reached this city before the Spaniards, but levelled it to the ground rather than give it up to the Spanish. The present capital was founded by the Spanish on December 6th, 1534. Quito is separated into two basic sections, the old and the new cities. The old city is full of historical buildings and churches. One of the more noteworthy is the Catedral de Quito, located on the Plaza de la Independencia. Built between 1550 and 1562, it was one of the first neoclassical works in Quito. La Compañía de Jésus Church is considered one of the most beautiful in the Americas. The decorations in the Compañía contain approximately one and one-half tons of gold, and construction of the church took 170 years (1605-1775).
Encounter the island chain that has enchanted explorers since Darwin first weighed anchor off its shores. Spend eight days exploring the incredible wildlife of the Galapagos archipelago in the company of an expert Naturalist Guide. In the evenings, return to the comfortable g4 to reflect on the day’s adventures. Retire to air-conditioned cabins with exclusive lower berths and private bathrooms. As one of the region’s largest operators, we understand the importance of controlling the onboard experience—that’s why you'll never end up on another operator's ship.
Arrival transfer and Continental breakfast while in Quito, 7 nights in the Galapagos Islands, Visit to Charles Darwin Research Station, Incredible wildlife encounters, Daily opportunities for swimming and snorkelling, Flights to and from the Galapagos Islands, Snorkeling equipment onboard Galapagos Yacht.

There are several excellent museums scattered throughout the city. The Casa de la Cultura Ecuadoriana has an interesting display of traditional musical instruments and Ecuadorian traditional dress, a large art collection, and a small natural history museum. For archeology the best museum to visit is the Museo del Banco Central with its well displayed pottery, gold ornaments, skulls showing deformities and early surgical methods, a mummy and many other objects of interest. The small, rounded hill dominating the old town is El Panecillo or 'the Little Bread Loaf,' a major Quito landmark. From here there are marvelous panoramic views of the entire city and surrounding volcanoes. You can easily take a trolley (streetcar) or a cab between the Old Town and New Town.