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The Meteors : Monasteries Built on Rocky Peaks Greece 2013

The Meteors : monasteries built on rocky peaks
This monastery was founded in 14th century. Now it’s convent for nuns. It is located almost on the
outskirts of Kalambaka, a bridge there makes it easy to get there. This monastery was badly damaged
in World War II and the afterwards in civil war. So many precious and priceless water color paintings
on walls were erased and others were totally were destroyed. Fortunately the Monastery’s most sacred
asset the head of St. Charlambos was saved, about that its famous it wards off the illness. monasteries
are located at Metéora in greece, and most are perched on high cliffs and accessible by staircases cut
into the rock formations. They were created to serve monks and nuns following the teachings of the
greek orthodox church. Much of the architecture of these buildings is Athonit in origin. Of the 6 intact
monasteries, only the Holy Monastery of St. Stephen is inhabited by nuns. in the 9th century, an ascetic
group of hermit monks moved up to the ancient pinnacles. They were the first people to inhabit Metéora.
They lived in hollows and fissures in the rock towers, some of which reach 1800 ft (550m) above the
plain. This great height, combined with the sheerness of the cliff walls, kept away all but the most
determined visitors.
