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Eiffel Tower | Photos

The Eiffel Tower was built for a variety of reasons. The main reason for its design and construction was for the World Exhibition (also known as the Paris Exposition of 1889) commemerating the 100 year aniversery of the French Revolution in Europe. The French Revolution was an important event in French history that attempted to eliminate dictatorships and divine right kings and to create a more democratic government. Many of the French officials and people wanted to remember the 100 year aniversary by improving the quality of Paris and France. Many proposed that the building of new and beautiful buildings would be a good way to commerate the 100 year aniversary. All throughout France, many engineers and designers submited designs and ideas for new ways to improve France. Of the many ideas, Gustave Eiffel's design of the Eiffel Tower caugh some of the most attention.
 Eiffel Tower
 Eiffel Tower
 Eiffel Tower
 Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower